Home Hello World!

Hello World!

I’ve finally decided to make a blog. The primary motivation is that I want a place to dump write-ups about interesting things I find in video games, and currently I tend to just keep the information as personal notes on my computer, dump it to my pastebin account, or share it with one or two people. I’d much rather have the information public and easily accessible, so this is what I’ve decided to try. As a bonus over pastebin, I get to use the magic of formatting.

The secondary motivation is it provides an excuse to hone two skills: writing and web-dev. Nobody regretted getting better at writing, and reading about web-dev is boring if I have nothing to apply it to. I’m not sure how much this blog will help with the latter, but we’ll see how it goes. And at any rate, I can always migrate down the line if need be.

I don’t have any plans on regular posts, I expect to just write something when I have something to say. Maybe I’ll look into some things in Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour to start this off. We shall see.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.